
Smart beauty sprayer

STEINEL expertise in hardware & software development turns an idea into reality

A world first – sophisticated sensor technology integrated into a handy, beautifully designed cosmetic product.

As a pioneer in the field of wet and powder spray coating, the Wagner Group set itself the goal of developing an innovative technology for daily skin care and skin protection. The result is IONIQ SKINCARE, a corporate startup.

Surrounded by spray and coating experts, the company developed ion technology, a magnet-like skin technology, thanks to which high-quality skin care products can be sprayed onto the skin - completely and absolutely aerosol-free.

The IONIQ ONE is a smart cosmetic device that can be used to evenly apply a wide variety of personal care liquids and lotions to the skin. With the electrically charged liquid particles, the body acts as a counterpole, resulting in a very homogeneous distribution of the particles. Thus, exactly the amount is applied to the skin that is effectively needed. Products are currently available for sun protection, body care and tanning.

STEINEL Expertises in use



STEINEL Solutions developed the control electronics and the control/ communication software. After several development loops, production-ready electronics were developed that fit perfectly into the sophisticated housing. Series production of the products is proceeding flawlessly in terms of quality and confirms how important it is to pay attention to the robustness of the design and the choice of the right raw materials right from the development stage and subsequent industrialisation. 


«Ioniq Skincare is a spin-off of Wagner GmbH. We have chosen STEINEL Solutions, because the company brings the know-how in hardware and software development and ensures a smooth transition into product manufacturing. Together with STEINEL, we have succeeded in creating an innovative product in the cosmetics sector which, since its sales launch in July 2021, has become an insider's tip, especially in the premium self-tanning sector. We look forward to giving our customers an unparalleled summer experience without the hassle of putting on lotion.»

Timo Salwik, Business Process Expert at IONIQ Skincare GmbH & Co. KG
Would you like to know more about the product development expertise at STEINEL Solutions?

Ivo Meuli
Business Development
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